Apr 24, 2019

- Brillante Forest Princess -

Hi everyone!
Fantasy Faire is here again! Make sure you visit it as you can get lots of fantastic items! As usual, Fantasy Faire is a charity event and with every purchase you help raise money for Relay for Life!
Head & Eyes: LeLutka - Bento Head - Simone
Body: Maitreya - Lara
Ears: Mandala - Steking Ears Season 5
Eyes Appliers: Arte - Skjoldmoy Eyes
Skin & Shape: Glam Affair - Enea - Asia
Eyeshadow: Arte - Arwen Eyeshadow River
Nails: Veil - Coral Marble Mani (at Cosmetic Fair)
Tattoos with Blush: Stardust - Haneen & Hanako (at Uber)
Hair: Wasabi - Prudence (at Fantasy Faire)
Dress & Headdress: Lomomo - Brillante - Pink (at Fantasy Faire)
Necklace & Earrings: Fortuna - Jewelry Set Rose (at The Trunk Show)
Pose 1: Posesion - New China Set
Pose 2: Serendipity - Wishes
.:Tm:.Creation - White Innocence - Garden Scene (at The Trunk Show)
 [BMS] - WildRabbits - Stand (at The Trunk Show)
Yokai - Cool Chick GACHA (at The Epiphany)
Sway's - Dreama Set (at Fantasy Faire)
 a.n.c. Ltd. - Suger Rose Field a.n.c. Ltd. - Nebra Beads[Sungold]
a.n.c. Ltd. - Star Flakes
Little Branch - LB_WinterBriseTrees
- N <3

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